Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rural Diaries pt.2

Alas! The pictures of the famed "town of monkeys" are here! It was nice having no wifi, and visiting the countryside in the northern province of Lopburi. I was in love with the absolute peace there was. We stayed at my buo's (father's father) house.

With my lovely grandmothers!

I learned how to basketweave (barely)

The community fishing net in our backyard. It's monsoon season currently in Thailand. But to climate change, there hasn't been much rain in the country. I can count on my hand the amount of times it's rained since I've been here. Anywho, typically, the water levels would be higher than this picture and the net would be filled with fish!
We later drove into the city to visit Lopburi's famed Khmer Temples.

So all around the town of Lopburi there are Macaques freely walking around. They've completely lost any fear of humans so they have no problem stealing food from you (if you're not vigilant!) 

The tale is that if anyone kills the macaques they will have eternal bad luck, hence their history of roaming freely. There's an annual festivalor as my host brother calls it "monkey meeting"  to feed and celebrate the macaques.

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